Monday, October 27, 2008

Sophie, Ratings & Reruns

Our daughter Sophie was really mortified at having to participate in the shoot. It was this reticence that made her so enticing to the producers. They just had to interview her. So it was with glee today that I showed her some of the discussion on different blogs… just about her!

“I felt that she was trying to persuade the viewer that she was right and actually I remember at one point she asked one of the daughters what the benefits of having a family like that was, the camera showed a lot of err, hmm, etcs yet when she came up with reasons the video moved on from that before she could make on good point!”

And then:

“I remember the scene with the daughter (I initially thought she was a wife), and the girl looked uncomfortable about being interviewed, especially when asked if she would ever become involved in a polygamous relationship.”

Also, the ratings for the show was published by Broadcast, a British media journal, and they estimated that 1.8 million people watched the show. That’s 1.8 million people that I just invited into my tiny trailer!

The reruns have been drawing 110,000 people, and there is a rerun at 11PM this coming Tuesday.

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