Wednesday, October 8, 2008


In my previous post, a couple of readers posted some comments about me marrying a Mexican, and whether or not this would cause a problem for the FLDS.

I want to comment - "I" am the one who is Mexican, half anyway.

My father served a mission for the LDS Church in Mexico. Even though he was your typical English-born American, he spoke Spanish fluently and preferred to speak Spanish in our home. My mother was born in Mexico, but immigrated (legally) with her family when she was a little girl.

My wife Martha is of Irish and Japanese descent. My wife Temple is of German origins. I always joke that, together, they are the Axis Powers.

It is ironic that the issue of race came up, because a (non-Mormon) friend of mine sent me the following:

"'Mormon polygamists are great haters. They hate the United States Government, they hate the Black race, they hate the Jews. They hate gentiles. They hate apostates. Hate unifies the group. The Mormon fundamentalist prophets use hate the same way Hitler used the Jews as an object of hate to unify Germany.'

"I mean really! That has got to be one of the most ignoramus blanket statements I have seen! And to add fearmongering by the injection of Hitler's name?? Good grief, Moroni!I can see more and more what an uphill battle you have had just to practice what you believe. I'm shaking my head in disbelief, and disgust, at some who populate the human race. Ugh."

And my reply was:

Wow, that statement was a bit of an overstatement. Lol

But to tell you the truth, Mormon polygamists are not really that diverse of a group. With several exceptions, I have met many who do hate black people, Jews, and the government. You can guess, with me being half Mexican, the kinds of things I have had to deal with.

So yeah, there are some who are like that, but then there are some that are really good people. Like any social group, there are good and bad. There are a couple of groups in Mexico that are all Mexican. But one of the things that I like about our little community is our diversity. There are many of us who are of Mexican descent, and Martha’s family is of Japanese descent, and we have a family that is Polynesian from New Zealand. Probably the most diverse sub-group in the Mormon polygamy world.

I was born and raised in Utah, but I spent my formative years in Casa Grande, Arizona - about a two hour drive from the border, as well as a town whose population was almost half-latino. I never experienced racial prejudice until I moved to Utah and began associating with Mormon fundamentalists.

I remember some people treated me somewhat offishly, and then one girl asked me, "So growing up in Arizona, did you live around alot of Mexicans?"

I answered that I did.

"How could you stand that?" she asked.

I shrugged. "It didn't bug me, because I'm Mexican."

The look on her face - priceless.

So I realize that my skin is probably just a shade too dark for the FLDS. I have always said that you can tell everything you want about me from my full name:

Moroni - I am Mormon

Lopez - I am Mexican

Jessop - I am a Mormon fundamentalist

I am proud of all three.


Pliggy said...

I bet I have a brother or two who is a shade darker than you.

Unknown said...

I still think it was an ignorant blanket statement with, ironically, hate being the motive of it's author.

I agree that all social groups have both good and bad. That is one reason why the statement's author was an idiot, in my big-mouthed opinion. That statement left no room for a different view coming from Mormon Fundamentalists. He covered all with the same "umbrella," which I know to be ignorance.

You are a wonderful example that he was full of it. I'm proud that you are my friend.

Trying2BOpenMinded said...

I really do hope you are planning on writing a book. You have a true gift and should be making some money at this!

I am not a polygamist or a mormon or a fundamentalist. really i am "nothing". don't have a clue what I am day-to-day... and have no problem with that at all though. am happy this way!

as for plural life I could never live with other sister-wives but not for the same reason most women might give. in my case i'm just a very private person and can't bear the thought of living with "roommates" , male or female! I love my friends and family but require separation... my home is my haven and at the end of the day I absolutely must come home to "nothing" but my TV .... OK well, I AM married and LOVE my husband but he is the exception to the rule because i have grown to feel like we are the same person. He doesn't "get on my nerves"... but even with him it did take a while! I just love that feeling of being totally "alone".

anyway, none of that is a justification for MY solitary lifestyle (and I'm proud of it... thank you very much!!), but just saying (in so many words) that IMO we ALL have our chosen paths and I truly feel that "enlightenment" is found in not any one preset set of values or rituals or practices. I think "it" is found when one follows the path that HE/SHE connects with... if that means learning to share a physical space (and wives, husband, etc) then more "power" to that person... and if it means enjoying the privacy and solitude of ones home in a very literal sense (minimal people around) then why not?!!! I'm sure some will say that you "can" learn to find "solitude" and be "one" with all of the members of a plural marriage and I'm sure that is very true. It's just that it's not my path and I figure that i only live once... why not do what makes ME happy. As long as what we do does not actually cause harm to ourselves or others....

I give all I can to others in many other ways...financially and emotionally. I spend all day, every day and every cent i earn rescuing poor innocent animals from euthanasia and abuse. And helping my autistic brother every day. And at the end of the day I am saturated on "other people" and feel I deserve an empty house and some one-on-one time with my best friend the TV! and for me THAT is happiness. THAT is heaven. and i don't want to strive to be anything other than happy... here and now.

anyway, enough about me. Just wanted to say (in so many words) that while I myself don't believe that polygamy is "THE" path to "heaven". And I don't believe that there is some sort of absolute significance in the #3 (3 wives to get to heaven). I do believe that if someone believes it is.. or if someone has a connection with THAT path, then they should explore it because they CAN and very likely WILL find "enlightenment" from it (whether that means heaven in the afterlife or "heaven on earth").

You may feel differently (about the literal translation of the "Principle", the #3, etc) but I like that you at least seem to be accepting of us "regular folk". That you don't (at least overtly) warn us about eternal damnation... and I'd bet that you'd still be friends with someone who is "eternally damned"... ha!! :-)

Oh and finally I love your sense of humor. Funny cuz I had gone online the other day thinking "the difference between moroni and some of the other fundamentalist bloggers is that "some" of them seem to be so humorless...doesn't seem like a whole lotta fun to hang out with them... but Moroni seems like a fun guy to hang out with!". And then by coincidence you wrote that blog on satire the same day! I like that you can be witty and clever and even self-depricating while still being true to your religious/moral beliefs. There's nothing worse than a room full of frigid old sourpusses... sucking on too many lemons. Now I'm not naming any names, but yes... on the many "Plural" blogs I've been reading lately i have come across some of these. But to be honest the same is true ANYWHERE you go. Ever tried to make chit-chat with the lovely employees at the DMV?!!! ha! anyway, you seem like a really nice, genuine guy and you definitely don't look fat at all. (not that it matters!). You are actually kind of attractive!

Dale said...

I think I agree about the book. You obviously have the talent and it would be good to get a more realistic view of plural marriage onto the store shelves.

Moroni Jessop said...

Wow. My head just expanded by the nice compliments. My wives will worry, because now I really will be impossible! lol

Yo said...

I am jewish, and I have FLDS friends, they DONT HATE ME, they are AWSOME!!! And i love them too. This has gone wayyyyyyyyy too far. Some people just say things cause they cant shut up even though they have NOTHING to say.