Monday, September 29, 2008

Dawn Porter Rocks!!! Read Her Letter & See Why

Letter Moroni received from Dawn Porter:

Dear Moroni

I have been reading your blog ever since I met you. I really enjoy it. The last one, however, was not such a pleasant read.

I totally hear where you are coming from with everything you said. if you look down to the bottom of the article that you read, you will see the words, INTERVIEW BY AMANDA CABLE. I didn't write it. I was interviewed on the phone, and it was written as me. True, the scene setting is classic tabloid journalism. But that is standard, they built it around what I told them. And you did say to me that you had your heart broken many times. And then Martha and Temple clearly said that you were like a bear with a sore head when it happens, but that it doesn't upset them, and that they fully support wife number three.

On the other hand, I don't think that myself or anyone involved was disloyal to you with our intentions. We did set out to show Polygamy in a positive light, and i believe we did. But there are downsides. We showed them too.

There are lots of things about the way that you live that neither myself, Charlie or Hank agreed with. The conditions, for example, the home schooling. I haven't denied that in my program, but I also think that when we had our chat up on the hill, I addressed most of those things, and we had a really civilized conversation about it. I thought your honesty was really admirable, we all did. And the chat on the hill is included in the film.

This is so odd that you blogged today. I actually sent an email to Simon (who you can trust) this morning saying how much I liked you, and how impressive an individual you are. And mostly how lucky we were that you agreed to take part, and were so open. Then I read your blog and see how upset you are. I felt I had to get in touch.

You have your faults, and I saw them. But you have some bloody good points as well, and I saw those too. You come across well.

There will be moments of my program that you won't like, and wish were different. But I don't think you ever expected a 100% pro Polygamy show? It isn't the social norm, so it is hard for us who are conditioned otherwise to understand it. But don't you worry, I saw many benefits too. I was surprised at how many.

The world has a really negative view of Polygamy, and then there I was, welcomed into the homes of two very kind and loving families. I was proud to be positive about the way that you live. But my job is to show the whole picture, as I saw it. Not just the romantic version because we all got along so well.

I question why a woman would want to be Polygamous. Not because of indoctrination, or being manipulated. But because it is hard for me to imagine why anyone would want to share their husband. That is the question I wanted answered, and it confused me the entire time I was making the program. I am still not sure I understand it.

You will be surprised, Moroni. Everyone that has seen the program so far expected to dislike you. And absolutely everyone has been proved wrong.

I see cracks in your scenario, I find it difficult to understand why you want more children when supporting the ones you have isn't easy as it is. But I never have denied that I think you are a good man at heart, and although it isn't for me, Polygamy is no where near as terrible as the rest of the world thinks it is. My program shows that.

As for Diane in Centennial Park. Her interview was fascinating. She gave another angle, and one that we had to hear. Jealousy exists, there is no denying it. But it wasn't the whole focus of our film. Like I said, I think I showed it as exactly how it seemed for an on looker, and considering the pre-conceptions, I think we did you fair.

I like you very much Moroni. I don't make TV shows to upset and destroy people, but I do make them to show the rest of the world something they haven't seen before. Not everyone is always going to be happy. But the intentions are not to just do as the media has done before, but to discover the heart and reason as to why people chose alternatives to monogamy and conventional relationships. Whether I agree with it or not.

Pass on my regards to Martha and Temple. I know they do not look alike, and I also know you haven't got bucked teeth. But like I said, people will see that for themselves when they see the show.

I will continue to follow your news. I hope this email made you feel a little less in the dark.

I don't expect you to be over the moon with our portryal of you, but I do think it is honest, and will make most people swallow their words, and see Polygamy slightly more positively.

Dawn ( The not THAT goodlooking TV presenter) x xx



Melanie said...

I told you! =P

VoxEcho said...

Hah, too bad you didn't introduce her to us Moroni ;) That would have really confused her. to wife: "You mean, it was YOU who wanted to be poly and your not even raised mormon??"

well, i am looking forward to seeing it if for no other reason but to make fun of your buck teeth