Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'M BAAAAAAACK (This time, it's for real)

My biggest handicap in having a blog last year was that I had no computer. My laptop had descended to computer hell, and any computer time I was able to get was devoted to that great sucker of time – Facebook.

Upon receiving my tax return this year, I made it a priority to get a new laptop. In fact, we made this momentous occasion an excuse for a mini family vacation. We braved a harrowing drive through blizzard conditions in a fifteen-passenger van down to Phoenix, where my kids played in the pool for a couple of days (even though it was February). I was able to walk out of Best Buy with a shiny new laptop (and my bank was calling me minutes later in the parking lot, making sure that it was indeed the frugal me making the purchase.)

So anyway, I got the computer. My blog should have been immediately forthcoming, but it wasn’t. Apathy set in. It’s not that I don’t have anything to talk about. I have TONS to talk about, as anyone who knows me can testify. There has been a lot that has happened in my family. I will take each day to get everyone up to speed.

I will start first with my health…


The main reason I have had a hard time keeping up with my blog is my health. It is hard time writing when you never feel good.

I came back from the fair circuit last October with swollen legs and a diabetic ulcer on my foot. I thought that once I got off my feet, it would heal. I waited and waited. It didn’t heal. I changed the bandages on my foot a couple of times a day. It bled frequently and started to smell in a way that bothered me.

During this time, I did go to the doctor often. He prescribed me a silver/ sulfur compound that burn patients put on their wounds. It seemed to help a little, but not much. He also put me on several rounds of antibiotics. In fact, I have been on antibiotics consistently for the last ten months, none of it helping.

Finally, I consulted a different doctor. Upon inspecting my sore, he immediately set to cutting away the dead tissue with a scalpel. (I didn’t feel a thing.) He also gave me a special shoe that takes weight off of the foot. My foot started healing within days, until it is now nothing more than a callous on the bottom of my foot.

Two weeks ago, I had laser surgery on the varicose veins of my right foot.

They didn’t put me under, they just gave me a valium, and made me watch as they inserted a tube into my vein. What an unusual experience that was – to feel a tube sliding up your leg, from your ankle all the way to your groin. Then they inserted a wire into my veins with a laser at the end. As they pulled the wire out of my leg, it collapsed the veins. It only took an hour, and I walked out of the clinic. I just felt a little sore. But three days later, I became incredibly sore, with ugly purple bruises on my leg. I am really sore and still recovering from this, but I am also hoping that this procedure improves the quality of my life.

Next month, I see a specialist, an endocrinologist. It turns out that I am insulin resistant, and hopefully these visits will be for the better.

I am doing all this for my family. My health has took a few serious turns in the last couple of the years. I am not stupid. I know how my body feels, and I can see the writing on the wall. If I don’t do something about it now, I will be dead in ten years. Probably less. I look at my children and my wives. It would be a sore burden to not have me around.

I have two wives and eleven children. I can think of nothing worse than to leave them alone to fend for themselves.

I don’t do much around the house. I kind of sit around, nursing my pain like an invalid. Lately, I feel kind of useless. But at least I am alive and present for my children. I hope to keep it that way.

Anyway, more news tomorrow…


jinxiecat2006 said...
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Unknown said...

OK, lets try this again...

I am so glad to see you updating your blog again. I hope you get better soon!

Missie said...

Take care of yourself - your family will thank you :) As they say, "this too shall pass"

Steve said...

I agree - Take care of yourself and live for your family and yourself.


Melanie said...

Just for future reference, changing dressings too often will delay healing. Best to dress them well and keep the dressing clean and protected. (I just finished 'wound care' in my nursing course) persGlad you are back and blogging again :)