Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Baby

So, I had a baby boy born to Martha and I on Sunday, April 19, 2009. He was born at 12:10PM in Arizona, and weighed 10 lbs., 5 oz.

The only problem is that I was not there...

The ultrasound said the baby was due March 28th. But the midwife insisted that she was due April 12th.

And I am still working in South Carolina.

We had been waiting on a carpet delivery for the hotel project we are working on, and the first week of April was the Master's Open. So the hotel was sold out and wanted no work during the golf tournament.

What this means... I got laid off for the first week of April. So I took the chance that the baby could come during this time and flew home.

It was a nice visit, but it became evident that Martha had not dropped. So we both knew (from experience) that the baby wouldn't be coming soon.

The project in South Carolina is due to end at the end of April, and I have no work slated after that. So after much discussion, Martha and I decided that the family would be best served if I went back to South Carolina. So I flew back to Columbia.

Sunday morning, April 19, Temple called me. She asked me if I had spoken to Martha. I told her that Martha hadn't called me in a couple of days. Temple told me that the previous night, Martha's water had partially broke. She told me that it wouldn't be that long before the baby would come.

I was in disbelief. "What? Like in a couple of days?"

"No," Temple said. "Today."

A couple of hours later, Martha called me to say that she was starting to feel contractions come on.

I paced the hallways, waiting for the carpet to be installed. The frustration that I was not there, could not be there was beyond belief.

An hour or so later, Temple texted me - the baby was in the birth canal. I texted her back: Let me know.

An hour or so later, she texted back... a photo of a baby boy.

I am amazed. I have not seen him yet, beyond seeing his photo.

Martha is still resting at my mother's house, getting some rest. She is amazing.

Temple is at home, watching Martha's kids (alomg with her own). She is feeding them, helping them with their homework, doing the shopping for 10 other kids, running errands, etc. Temple is also amazing. This is what being a sisterwife is all about.

I can't wait until I go home.... (Next week, I think.)



The Hartmans said...

He's so beautiful. I hope you get to hold him soon.

The Greevers Posse said...

Wow Moroni you must have been racking your brain not being able to be there for Martha. Thank goodness you both have Temple to be there for you both (as well as the other children)!
I hope things go smoothly so that you can return home soon and be able to be with your new little one and the rest of your family.
Give them our best!
Love ya!

Missie said...

Congratulations!!! I'm sorry you couldn't be there, but seeing the birth is only one miracle you can experience. You have the rest of his life to experience with him!

ana said...

Your new baby boy is beautiful!

Thank you Moroni Jessop for your help. It’s so funny. I felt as though I was at a seminar and you were our guest speaker.

You clearly, simply, and intelligently answered the questions that I had about husbands and polygamy. You were sincere, frank, and didn’t beat around the bush with a lot of rhetoric and fluff. I’ll probably have more questions for you, as well, if I won’t be imposing.

I encourage all my visitors to reach out to you and visit you at your site, if they have any questions of a husband who has firsthand knowledge and experience in living with more than one wife.

I thank you very much for so graciously accepting my invitation and welcoming our questions.

Please visit with us anytime. It's an open house over there. No need to knock. Just come on in.


Melanie said...

aww are so blessed!

Moroni Jessop said...

Thanks for the comments!