Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nix on Pink Sneakers

Thanks to everyone for their advice.

I decided not to do the US show for the following reasons:

1. I asked the producers to call my wives to discuss the project with them, and they didn't.

2. They posted an advertisement on the Salt Lake Tribune's Plural Life blog ( ) and said the following:

"I work for Pink Sneakers Productions and am casting for a TLC Documentary Series on Polygamy. The documentary series for TLC is tentatively titled, “Life Chronicles.” Each episode documents the day-to-day lives of people sharing their amazing life experiences as they face exceptional challenges and cope with unique and sometimes life-altering situations.

"I am wondering if you have any contact information on any ex-polygamists or sister-wives who would be willing to be on this TLC series."

And then someone made the following comment:

"Why wouldn’t she ask for “current” polygamists or sister-wives? It is apparent that she’s doing another plural marriage-bashing documentary."

I realized that this is a good point. They didn't tell me anything about finding "ex-polygamists or sisterwives". When they called me on the phone, they told me that I would have free reign to "tell my own story", which sounded pretty good.

But then look at the other shows they have done. Hulk Hogan??? Not what you would call cred. At least Incubator TV had done some serious programs.

So I think I am going to wait...


YasteFamilyRamblings said...

ok..After reading that..I agree with you! Sounds fishy! Good Detective work:)

In Christ's Love and Mine,

Joseph Moss said...

I would be suspicious of any media doing a polygamist show, but I wouldn't mind seeing a documentary on mormon polygamy financed and produced by mormon polygamists. I always wanted to see a documentary made of the 8 hour meeting as well. Sundance anyone?